Immersed in the world of dance since the age of 5, I have always had a passion for ballet and classical music. After completing schooling in the heart of New York City, Rebecca began teaching for her sister at the Artistic Dance Conservatory.

Within the walls of the conservatory I discovered a talent for adapting beloved children's stories into captivating short ballets. It wasn’t until 2016 that I took a bold step and ventured into the realm of creating an original ballet. Thus, 'The Magical Divide' was born.

I can recall the moment when I was listening to a remixed version of Vivaldi's 'Spring.' The ethereal melodies and harmonies ignited a spark within, bringing together the inspiration behind the ballet. 
Since its inception, 'The Magical Divide' has served as a springboard for my creativity. I have scince written three more original ballets, each a testament to my love of the art form. With dreams of transforming these ballets into books, I am continuing to push the boundaries of my imagination and artistic expression.

The Magical Divide

“The Magical Divide” draws inspiration from the music of Vivaldi, particularly his famous composition, "The Four Seasons''. The captivating melodies and themes of Vivaldi's music served as the foundation and creative fuel for this children's ballet and ultimately this book. The desire to bring together the art of ballet and the appreciation of classical music motivated the creation of the story and the students of Artistic Dance Conservatory brought this vision to life. They performed The Magical Divide at local nursing homes and schools across western Massachusetts. 

The Magical Divide is a tale of self-discovery, friendship, and the power of nature.  It reminds us to slow down, appreciate the magic in our everyday lives, and take care of the world we live in. Through Maya's journey, readers are inspired to find their own connection to nature, fostering a sense of awe and gratitude for the wonders surrounding us. 

Now Available on Amazon

The paperback version of The Magical Divide is on Amazon now! Order here to get your copy!